Storm drain labeling is a joint environmental education effort between the Town of Oyster Bay’s Department of Environmental Resources and volunteers. This program involves the placement of green discs, or medallions, with the slogan “only rain in the drain” onto the face of Town storm drain covers. Adding this message throughout the Town is a pollution prevention measure intended to dissuade individuals from placing materials into these catchment systems. Additionally, this program serves as an educational tool and reminder for all who pass by of the connection between our storm drains and local waterways.

Essential supplies needed to participate will be provided by the Town and it is easy to volunteer. The most common municipal storm drains found within the Town of Oyster Bay are cut into a curb (side inlet) or beside a curb (grated inlet). These two types of storm drains are both eligible for medallion placement on the drain cover. Labeling only takes a few minutes per drain, so many can be accomplished in one day.

It’s of utmost importance that you mark only the drains assigned to you, unless there’s a safety concern, so the Town can accurately track which drains have been marked. After completing your project, please return all forms to your contact at the Department of Environmental Resources via email or in person when returning your supplies. If unforeseen circumstances arise, and you are unable to mark the storm drains within the project timeframe, please contact the Department of Environmental Resources to return the supply kit as soon as possible.

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the form below. Only one person per team needs to register. You can register for multiple supply kits at one time.

MM slash DD slash YYYY