Supervisor Joseph S. Saladino
(516) 624-6350
The Supervisor is the chief elected officer and treasurer of the Town and serves on the Town Board with six elected Town Councilmen/women.
As the head of the administrative branch of Town government, he is responsible for implementing, executing and enforcing all legislative actions of the Town Board and for the preparation, evaluation and recommendation of reports, information and material for Town Board action. Using estimates submitted to him by departments, he annually prepares the tentative budget of the Town and submits it to the Town Board.
Deputy Supervisor Gregory W. Carman, Jr.
(516) 624-6350
The Supervisor is empowered to appoint a Deputy who shall serve at the pleasure of the Supervisor, and in case the Office of Supervisor becomes vacant any Deputy Supervisor in office at the time such vacancy occurs shall continue to serve until the successor is appointed. During the absence or inability to act of the Supervisor, or while the Office of Supervisor is vacant, the Deputy Supervisor shall preside, when present, at the meetings of the Town Board and shall be vested with all of the powers and may perform all of the duties of the Supervisor under the law, except that he shall have no vote in his capacity as Deputy Supervisor on matters coming before the Town Board.